Well, well....here's my first foray into the world of blogging...not too sure where it's headed but I'm primarily trying to chronicle the events in my life and perhaps with all the trials and tribulations that occur along the way, I can look back later and have a good laugh.
It's been an eventful year and a half since I first arrived in the United States. Going back to school after such a long while and getting more involved in climbing (not as much as I anticipated). I had the impression that quitting my full-time job of teaching in Spore will afford me tons of time to climb but boy was I wrong! Days in full-time grad school only afforded me time in the weeknights in the local gym and either Sat or Sun for the outdoors. Sadly...not too much difference from Spore. Well....I guess I just gotta make good use of whatever I have right now.
School-wise, it's been busy....climbing-wise, it has been both fruitful and heartbreaking.
Nevertheless, it was a wise decision to leave the climbing-abyss of Singapore...sorry my friends. Alot of my buddies here in So Cal will beg to differ that there are tons to climb here but it truly beats climbing in a little gym for 365 days a year, in temps of 92F and humidity of >90% year round.
Climbing has it sweet moments in 2007 when we first arrived with me flashing V9 on my first trip out on established terrain in the Buttermilks. Plus the sponsorship by Madrock that followed later in the year as well as Edelrid's offer of a rope during the greatest time of our need. I must say I was and still am truly blessed by my sponsors' enormous generosity and it gives me tremedous privilege to represent them.
2008 was a bittersweet year. Managed to excel in school but I supposed I still continue to struggle with my internal demons when it comes to climbing hard. Only time will tell who will triumph....so onward to 2009!
Studying Exercise Science in CSULB and having the opportunity to teach Biomechanics have gifted me tremendous insight into how our human body can adapt to training stimulus and I have constantly been incoorperating it into my own training for climbing. I recently started a page on Facebook that allows discussion and sharing of training tips for the climbing community in Singapore. Though there had been a couple of responses from readers, I have recently began to wonder if there is a broader readership to my posts. I hope the scarce responses on the forum is not a true indication of readership though...otherwise, it may indicate that climbers in Spore either don't give a damn about their improvement or they'll rather take a passive approach, sit and read and expect answers to drop onto their laps.